Judy Cook

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Question Answer
Your name Judy Nord
Your name in school, if different Judy Cook
Email judy.seashore@ yahoo.com
Website or Facebook URL judy.nord.1@facebook.com
Alhambra elementary school(s) attended Garfield Elementary School & Park Elementary School
Current occupation (e.g., retired, working full/part time, volunteering, caring for family, other) Retired from Walt Disney Studio.
Describe your family/extended family One beautiful daughter, Kimberly who gave me two wonderful Grandsons - Brendon & Dillon. Anxiously awaiting the birth of my first Great Grandchild in February 2015. After retirement I moved to Oregon so I can enjoy being part of their lives.
How have you gained knowledge or continued your education after high school? Life experiences and work.
What would like to share about your life's work? Worked at Disney for 30 years as a Studio Projectionist, Audio/Video Technician and Dubbing Recordist. Was a fun career that I made many lifelong friends with. Thank you Jim (& Judy) Kohutek for opening that door for me.
What special interests and/or activities have you enjoyed during the last half century? Enjoyed water skiing, dune buggy races and great friends at my vacation home in Lake Havasu Arizona with friends and family. Winter months were spent snow skiing.
What is your favorite AHS Memory? Finishing LOL
In your life thus far, what stands out as most significant, growth-producing, moving, or heart-opening? My children, family and friends.
As you move forward into the future, what are your aspirations, hopes, dreams? Maintaining my health.

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