2014 Reunion Banquet Invocation

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INVOCATION by Dennis Petersen

I suppose with all the different ways there are for acknowledging our Creator at a gathering like this, there's hardly one of us who isn't amazed that over 18,250 days have filled all our yesterdays with a legacy of memories since graduation from Alhambra High.

If He's already here, I guess we may as well just thank Him for all His awesome provisions so we can savor the wonderful experience that's planned for us to enjoy. Would you bow with me in a moment of silent reflection to center our hearts on the good desires that we all share with each of our classmates and their guests?

Loving Father of mercy, Author of life, Giver of every good gift...

We humbly acknowledge You are the Designer of every precious moment for us to enjoy friendship, happiness and laughter.

With your blessings we gather here to celebrate the unique legacy each of us has brought to our many communities through lifetimes of sincere sacrifice, hard work, and service.

We look to You for strength, wisdom and grace as we are excited to assemble one more time as the Class of 1964. May we remember our past with good humor and renew friendships made when our heads were hairier and our middles were skinnier.

Help us take little notice of how much our exteriors have become antiques - while, by your grace, we revel in the richness of heart and soul that you've helped us develop through life's experiences.

We remember classmates who couldn't travel here tonight and those who have left us for their eternal reward. Keep them and their loved ones all in your loving care. Thank you for the part of their lives that we've shared, however brief or however joyful. Remind us, by our memory of them, that each day is a gift, not a promise, to be lived as beautifully as possible within our abilities.

While we celebrate our special fellowship, we don't take for granted the value of every breath you give us -- every heartbeat, every step we take, every dream you put in our hearts, and every opportunity at this event to express our genuine appreciation for one another with loving-kindness.

Thank you that we can celebrate the unique personalities of all our peers while we've been privileged to experience life in a time of amazing advancements.

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