AHS '64 Biography

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We invite you to let us know about yourself. We hope to have a biography from all classmates, including those who weren't unable to attend.

If you didn't have a yearbook or high school picture, or would prefer a different picture than the one on the Classmates page, please send a head shot of you, from around 1964.

You may use one of the following methods to send in a biography and recent photo:

-- Click the address link, below, to create an email, copy the sample questions and paste them into it. Then answer any questions you like.

-- Click the address link, below, to create an email, and write a brief biography of your own.

Send your message and a recent close-up or head shot photo of you to

Please note: The information you provide will give AHS64-Alumni.com permission to publish it on the site.


Your name:
Your name in school, if different:
Website or Facebook URL:
If you're bringing someone to the reunion, please describe your guest:
Alhambra elementary school(s) attended:
Current occupation (e.g., retired, working full/part time, volunteering, caring for family, other):
Describe your family/extended family:
How have you gained knowledge or continued your education after high school?:
What would like to share about your life's work?:
What special interests and/or activities have you enjoyed during the last half century?:
Please share the highlights of the places you've lived or traveled:
What is your favorite AHS Memory?:
What are your favorite books or movies?:
What were your favorite songs or artists from 1960 to 1964. What genre of music and type of dance do you enjoy most?:
How do you spend your quality time?:
In your life thus far, what stands out as most significant, growth-producing, or moving?:
What matters most to you about the life you've lived?:
As you move forward into the future, what are your aspirations, hopes, dreams?:
What do you still hope to accomplish or experience? (What's left on your bucket list?):
What else would you like to share about yourself?:

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